Welcome To MyMeatShop

Welcome to our online meat shop, your one-stop destination for the finest selection of fresh and responsibly sourced meats. Discover a wide variety of premium cuts, including beef, chicken, and more, all conveniently delivered to your doorstep. Experience the utmost convenience and quality with our trusted and reliable service, ensuring a delightful culinary journey from the comfort of your home.

Why Choose Us

Ireland, an ideal breeding ground

MeatShop offers a range of high-quality red meat consumer products. Exclusively sourced from breeding farms located in Ireland, our cattle and sheep breeds are specifically selected for their conformation rates and the outstanding efficiency of their production. Around 80% of Ireland’s agricultural area is devoted to grasslands. A temperate climate and plenty of rainfall make Ireland naturally suited to grass-based farming systems. Cattle and sheep bred in open fields in our farms have the freedom to graze on lush pastures up to 300 days a year.

Transparency: From Field to Fork

To guarantee the quality of our consumer products, the actions taken by our breeders meet the strict requirements of a well-managed supply chain and comply with livestock breeding standards and recommendations. In accordance with Breeding Guidelines, they are committed to setting a path for improvement in animal health & welfare, feed quality, and traceability standards, as well as in practices aiming at reducing the environmental footprint.

High-Quality Standards

Choosing MeatShop means choosing premium-quality products. To ensure the best quality for our meat products, our cattle breeding herds are exclusively made up of continental (Charolais, Limousin) or British breeds (Angus, Hereford). As for sheep, renowned for the outstanding quality of their particularly lean meat production, our breeds were specifically selected for their attributes (Charolais, Île-de-France, Texel, or Suffolk).

Our brand MeatShop aims to meet consumer growing demand for high-quality meat by offering products sourced from breeding farms implementing fully compliant practices and providing herds with natural living conditions, suited to their needs. And this is the reason why choosing MeatShop today means making the right choice!